“My son, I am your strength.
As I appear before you on my Holy Cross, I desire that you offer your heart to me each day in love at the foot of my Cross. To share my passion in receiving my mercy for the love that I have for you and all of my children. Every word that I speak to your heart is a word of love and hope, calling all souls to be united to my heart, in love and only love, that I may redeem them. And that they may accept me as their Savior of mercy to repent and convert from living in darkness to living in the glory and beauty of my light.
Every word that I speak to your heart is fulfilled within the hearts of my children throughout the world. Placed within them, within their souls, like golden seeds of eternal love in my call for my children to repent and to love only me, their Savior. Every word that I speak is a golden seed of redemption for the salvation of the world.
Know this, that you need nothing else in this world but me, your Savior of the Holy Cross of the light, to bring light and love to my children.”