“My dear child, I am with you. Allow me to fill your heart with my light and the strength of my love.”
The Holy Spirit continues to say, “Allow me to guide your footsteps this day upon the mercy and hope of God.
Yes, seek the merciful hope of Jesus and he shall guide you according to his will in fulfilling his heart.
My son, I am calling you for the souls in need and for the souls in need of my mercy and of my love. Be not afraid. Be not afraid, but entrust your heart to me always. Entrust your heart to the hope of who I am and my divine being to be your Spirit who shall lead you in the light of truth of the victory of the faith, to be stronger according to the path of love.
Yes, my son, to be stronger in love.”
‘My Spirit and my God, my heart proclaims your glory. Heal me- heart, mind, body and soul of all that needs to be healed this day that I may walk in the compassion of your mercy.’
“Yes, my son, the world is in need, the world is in need of hope. It is in need of my strength. Let your heart sing, my son.
Yes, we have always said, let your heart sing a new song of love. Walk in the strength of my mercy.”
‘Holy Spirit, help me, I need your help in all things, most importantly, to grow in faith, hope and love for others and for your glory and the glory of the Holy Trinity.’