‘Oh, yes, my Lord, I love you. Holy Spirit, as you are appearing before me in the midst of man, offering to me your hand that you guide me this day. Consume me with your Spirit and heal me in your love to fulfill all good things in your mercy.
Grant me your wisdom, discernment and light, your conviction of truth and clarity, especially in returning to Mexico for mission. Guide me to plan according to your will, not my will, and that your joy may be full within me.’
The Holy Spirit says, “Yes, my son, I am offering you my hand to penetrate you with my spirit of love and holiness to sanctify you for my glory and to lead you according to the power of the Cross and sacrifice of Jesus and our Father’s will.
Yes, our Father’s will, for although we are one, we are separate and may the joy of our love be fulfilled within you this day. Rejoice, rejoice.”