‘My Lord, I love you and nothing in this world, my love, shall ever compare to the love that you have given me. I can feel you in me and all around me, your heart beating with my heart, your joy, my hope to continue. May I rest within your arms and your heart this night, in the nights eternal where I meet you in love and am consumed by your love to say that we are more than conquerors in Christ in you. But what do we conquer in this world, in our lives, if we do not conquer all with love? A love that gives us hope in our humanness, to walk with humility, for humility is the key.
Yes, I have lived my life and yet you continue in your mercy to forgive, to renew me, to lead me to new heights in unexpected places from your heart. But without love, all is vanity. And this now is impressed upon me most as I walk into the vain glory and illusion of human power to meet those who are blinded by such. And I pray that you open my eyes to see that I may not be blinded and that I may walk into their hearts, into their room, to be only a light, knowing that by focusing on humility and serving them humbly, your will shall be fulfilled.
Be my joy, my love, that I may be a joy for them. You have given me everything. May I give them all that you have given me in all that you are in the glory of your holy love.
Yes, we are more than conquerors in Christ. But it is by love that we must conquer. I love you, I love you, and I thank you, only asking that you return me to your arms of love and cover me with the Precious Blood of the power of your sacrifice and of the power of your Cross.’