“I love you, my child, and I, your mother, am with you. May the mercy of my son’s Cross lead you in hope.”
‘Mother, reveal to me what you desire for me to fulfill. Reveal to me the eternal glories of your son’s heart, of his merciful love.’
“Come and take my hand, my son, and let me lead you in the joy of my son’s mercy. Give me your hand and I shall walk with you. My son, I am always with you.”
I am now having a vision of Our Lady. She is standing upon a fertile path. It is the path of the holy faith. And she is appearing with her hand extended that I should take it, to let her lead me.
‘Mother, may I walk the path of your son’s goodness and light to be, as Jesus said, a light of love for others.’
“Yes, my son, come and take my hand and be not afraid. My heart cries for you for my son’s mercy to be poured upon you, that he may lift you up each day into the light of his eternal and holy love.”
‘Yes, mother, I cannot live without you or Jesus.’
“My son, Satan, the enemy of God and of the light, desires to bring fear into your heart. But be strong and of good courage, yes, of courage filled with goodness. Rest now. Receive the eternal joy of the light of Jesus, who is present with me and rest.
Rejoice, yes, it gives you great joy when I say these words. Rejoice for his love and my love are good.
Be not afraid, my son, but continue in the path of mercy. You do not have to go to others. They shall come to you with their needs. Be present and be a friend of Jesus for your brothers and sisters.
Yes, be a friend of Jesus in his love.”