‘Father, I want to give all to you, my God, to give all to the hearts of your children. And I pray for the special intention of a soul who I love.’
“Yes, my son, I, your Father, am with you and I delight in your presence.”
‘Father, through your mercy, I desire to give all to you. Enlighten me with the wisdom of your love. Guide me on this path of hope and mercy. Forgive me my sins and the sins of the whole world, have mercy on us.’
“My son, rejoice for the wounds of the stigmata that now appear within your hands shall reveal themselves in my suffering heart for others. My son, do not allow the enemy to disillusion you. My son, believe, for you have great love within your heart, the gift of my unfathomable love within you for others.
Be who I created you to be, knowing who you are in me and I in you to be compassionate. Come out of the tomb of the fear of being hurt, as you were so many years ago, and give your heart freely to this gift of love which I have given you. Be yourself in me, in who I created you to be and to fulfill in my love. May my mercy light the path of your heart.
Yes, my son, you were chosen and we instilled within you the graces necessary to fulfill this work. Do not allow the flesh of your humanness, of your feelings of unworthiness, to prevent you from believing in what we can do, and shall continue to do.
Fly, my son, with the wings of the angels that we are giving you. Take flight, for they shall protect you.
I love you, my son, I love you. Let me fulfill this work within you. Abandon yourself fully to me. Give all of yourself to my love.”