Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr
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In the Joy of Surrender

The Joy of Surrender BookAnd Jesus said to Gregory, “Do this one thing and you will be mine. Surrender! This is the flame of love that calls all souls to My mercy. This is My hope for mankind to live in peace.”

Since August of 1991, he has been receiving visions and messages from God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and has been called to be a messenger of God’s love.

Gregory, whose life is dedicated to the Lord, guides us, In the Joy of Surrender, along a journey in the beauty and serenity of God’s love and faith, eternal and miraculous.

In this journal of inspirational messages, day after day we are brought closer to God’s love to rise beyond fear and despair, where peace and joy are not only possible, but exist within our hearts. We are called to return to the arms of God that will illuminate our souls, our hearts, and our lives.

Mary's Heart- Book 1

Mary's Heart Book 1Mary’s Heart is a journey of love within the Hearts of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary, a journey of peace that is calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins, that we may grow in the purity of His mercy and miraculous love. Gregory, whose life is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the redemption of souls, tells us: “To give and receive love is to experience the grace of Heaven on earth, where God is calling all souls to become living sacrifices of love daily, that we may share His compassion, forgiveness, and mercy with one another.” Since August of 1991, Gregory has been receiving inner locutions and visions from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls throughout the world to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ on earth.

Mary's Heart- Book 2

Mary's Heart II Book

Mary’s Heart Book 2 is simply a continuation of Gregory’s prophetic journey of love within the Heart of God, calling all souls to repentance, conversion and peace. It is an inspirational journal of messages from the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary in conversation with the receiver.

Illumination of Love

Illumination of Love bookIllumination of Love is a journey of love within the Hearts of the Blessed Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary, a journey of peace that is calling all souls to follow the path of humility at the foot of the Cross of our Lord to repent and be forgiven of our sins, so that we may grow in the purity of His mercy and miraculous love.

Gregory, whose life is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the redemption of souls, tells us, “To give and receive love is to experience the grace of Heaven on earth, where God is calling all souls to be living sacrifices of love daily so that we may share His compassion, forgiveness and mercy with one another.”

Since August 1991, Gregory has been receiving inner locutions and visions with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls of the world to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the second coming of Christ on earth.

Joy Messages of Love from God: The Joy of the Lord is our strength - Book 1

Joy Messages of Love from God- Book 1“Joy Messages of Love from God: The Joy of the Lord is our strength” is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book, Book 1, contains messages from November through December 2022.

Joy Messages of Love from God: Thy Words became to me a Joy- Book 2

Joy Messages of Love from God- Book 2“Joy Messages of Love from God: Thy Words became to me a Joy” is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book, Book 2, contains messages from January through March 2023.

Joy Messages of Love from God: See the Joy that is coming to you from God!- Book 3

Joy Messages of Love from God Book 3“Joy Messages of Love from God: See the Joy that is coming to you from God!” is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book, Book 3, contains messages from April through June 2023.

Joy Messages of Love from God: Turn your sorrow into Joy!- Book 4

Joy Messages of Love from God Book 4“Joy Messages of Love from God: Turn your sorrow into Joy” is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book, Book 4, contains messages from July through September 2023.

Joy Messages of Love from God: The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace- Book 5

Joy Messages of Love from God Book 5“Joy Messages of Love from God: The fruit of the Spirit in love, joy, peace” is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book, Book 5, contains messages from October through December 2023.

Heart of Jesus- Book 1

“Heart of Jesus– Messages of Love”  is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book contains messages from January through March 2024.

Gregory, a Third Order Franciscan, whose life is dedicated to the Lord, guides us along a journey in the beauty and serenity of God’s love and faith, eternal and miraculous.

As the Lord has asked of him, he is sharing throughout the world these messages of God’s infinite love, hope and compassion with the blessing of his spiritual director and by the invitation of Priests and Bishops to speak at their parishes and cathedrals.


Heart of Jesus- Book 2

“Heart of Jesus– Messages of Love”  is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book contains messages from April through June 2024.

Gregory, a Third Order Franciscan, whose life is dedicated to the Lord, guides us along a journey in the beauty and serenity of God’s love and faith, eternal and miraculous.

As the Lord has asked of him, he is sharing throughout the world these messages of God’s infinite love, hope and compassion with the blessing of his spiritual director and by the invitation of Priests and Bishops to speak at their parishes and cathedrals.

Heart of Jesus- Book 3


“Heart of Jesus– Messages of Love”  is a journey of peace calling all souls to follow the path of humility to the foot of our Lord’s Cross to repent and be forgiven of our sins so that we may grow in the purity of his mercy.

Since August of 1991, at the age of thirty, Gregory has been receiving daily messages and visions from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, calling all souls to conversion, repentance and peace in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, and to be a messenger of God’s love. This book contains messages from July through September 2024.

Gregory, a Third Order Franciscan, whose life is dedicated to the Lord, guides us along a journey in the beauty and serenity of God’s love and faith, eternal and miraculous.

As the Lord has asked of him, he is sharing throughout the world these messages of God’s infinite love, hope and compassion with the blessing of his spiritual director and by the invitation of Priests and Bishops to speak at their parishes and cathedrals.

Iluminación de Amor: Mary's Heart

Illumination of Love- SpanishIluminación de Amor es un viaje de amor dentro de los Corazones de la Santísima Trinidad y la Bendecida Virgen María, un viaje de paz que está llamando a todas las almas a seguir el camino de humildad al pie de la Cruz de nuestro Señor para arrepentirnos y ser perdonados de nuestros pecados, para así poder crecer en la pureza de Su misericordia y milagroso amor. Gregory, cuya vida está consagrada al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y al Inmaculado corazón de María para la redención de las almas, nos dice: “Dar y recibir amor es experimentar la gracia del Cielo en la tierra, donde Dios está llamando a todas las almas  a ser sacrificios vivientes de amor diariamente para que así podamos compartir Su compasión, perdon y misericordia los unos con los otros.” Desde agosto de 1991, Gregory ha estado recibiendo locuciones interiores y visiones con Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, Dios Espiritu Santo y la Bendecida Virgen María,  llamando a todas las almas del mundo a la conversión, arrepentimiento y paz en preparación para la segunda venida de Cristo en la tierra.

Joy Botschaften der Liebe von Gott

Joy Botschaften der Liebe von Gott Buch 1Joy Botschaften der Liebe von Gott ist eine Reise des Friedens, die alle Seelen dazu aufruft, den Weg der Demut zum Fuß des Kreuzes unseres Herrn zu gehen, um Buße zu tun und Vergebung für unsere Sünden zu erlangen, damit wir in der Reinheit seiner Barmherzigkeit wachsen können.

Seit August 1991, im Alter von dreißig Jahren, empfängt Gregor täglich Botschaften und Visionen von Gott, dem Vater, Gott, dem Sohn und Gott, dem Heiligen Geist, sowie von der seligen Jungfrau Maria, die alle Seelen zur Umkehr, zur Buße und zum Frieden aufrufen, um sich auf die Wiederkunft Christi vorzubereiten und um ein Bote der Liebe Gottes zu sein. Dieses Buch, Buch 1, enthält Botschaften von November bis Dezember 2022.

Gregor, ein Franziskaner des Dritten Ordens, dessen Leben dem Herrn gewidmet ist, führt uns auf eine Reise in die Schönheit und Gelassenheit der Liebe und des Glaubens Gottes, der ewig und wunderbar ist.

Wie der Herr es von Gregor verlangt hat, gibt er diese Botschaften von Gottes unendlicher Liebe, Hoffnung und Barmherzigkeit mit dem Segen seines geistlichen Leiters und durch die Einladung von Priestern und Bischöfen, in ihren Pfarreien und Kathedralen zu sprechen, in der ganzen Welt weiter.

Joy Messages d'amour de Dieu: La joie du Seigneur est notre force

Joy Messages d’amour de Dieu Livre 1“Joy Messages d’amour de Dieu : La joie du Seigneur est notre force”est un voyage de paix qui appelle toutes les âmes à suivre le chemin de l’humilité jusqu’au pied de la Croix du Seigneur, à se repentir et à être pardonnées de leurs péchés afin de grandir dans la pureté de sa miséricorde.

Depuis août 1991, dès l’âge de trente ans, Gregory reçoit quotidiennement des messages et des visions de Dieu le Père, Dieu le Fils et Dieu le Saint-Esprit, ainsi que de la Sainte Vierge Marie, appelant toutes les âmes à la conversion, au repentir et à la paix en préparation du second avènement du Christ, et il sert de messager d’amour de l’amour de Dieu. Ce livre contient les messages de novembre à décembre 2022.

Gregory, franciscain du Troisième Ordre, dont la vie est consacrée au Seigneur, nous guide dans un voyage dans la beauté et la sérénité de l’amour et de la foi de Dieu, éternels et miraculeux.

Comme le Seigneur le lui a demandé, il partage dans le monde entier ces messages de l’amour, de l’espérance et de la compassion infinis de Dieu, avec la bénédiction de son directeur spirituel et à l’invitation de prêtres et d’évêques à prendre la parole dans leurs paroisses et cathédrales.