In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
“My son.”
‘My Lord, yes, my Lord, what do you desire?’
“To say come to me, yes, come to me, all you who are weary and I shall give you rest. Come and open your heart to the eternal joy of my love.
Rest now, rest and I shall be your peace. I shall grant you the hope of my mercy. My son, may your heart be filled with the glory of my love this day.”
I am now having a vision of Jesus on the Cross with flames of the fire of his divine love surrounding him. It is a most beautiful vision of the power of God’s divine love and the Holy Cross and resurrection through the passion of Jesus.
‘Oh, my Lord, I come to you and I place my trust in you. I offer to you all within my heart, that you may be my strength with the Cross before me and the world behind me. Take me as you desire on your path of love.’
“Yes, my son, I shall take you within my heart.”
‘Take me, my Lord, take me and let us sing of love together for the good of your children. I pray now for peace throughout the world.’