Herz Jesu

Botschaften der Liebe

Gregory Kerr

In my mercy that forgives

‘My Lord, may my heart be open to the joy of your love this day to renew my strength and lead me in your mercy. Take me as you desire in your love. Take me within your arms and lead me according to the path of the light of your mercy.’

“I am with you, my son, and I love you. Come now, come now to me and sing a new song of life in my mercy that forgives.

Yes, my son, sing of the eternal glory of my love that endures forever. May your heart lead you to and through me in humility and in the glory of all that is good.

Yes, seek the glory of the light, my son, of all that is good in my mercy.”

‘O Lord, may I learn and grow from you, from your words of light. Give to me the fullness of your love, my Lord, my God, my rock, my Savior. Holy Spirit, come within my heart and lead me in the joy and hope of your light. And renew my life this day. As the sun rises in the dawn to bring light to the world, lead me as you desire. Fill me with your light.’

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