Herz Jesu

Botschaften der Liebe

Gregory Kerr

Lasst die Gedanken des Geistes eure Gedanken sein

‘Mother, the battles this night have been severe and painful to my heart. But I will persevere to follow the path of the glory of the light, that is love, to lead me. I love you, dear mother.’

“Yes, my son, my heart shall fulfill your heart with great love.”

‘O Holy Spirit, as I know you are present, be my strength and my guide. Heal me this night— heart, mind, body and soul of all that needs to be healed.’

Die Muttergottes sagt, “My son, my children are in need of the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit. Do not let your heart be misled. Let the thoughts of the Spirit be your thoughts and your guide. In my mercy, the merciful heart of your mother will always advise you to do good.

Yes, my son, go in the glory of doing good and this shall be your motivation and your love.”

‘Mother, lead me in the mercy and the loving compassion of my Savior that is hope for one’s soul.’

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