Herz Jesu

Botschaften der Liebe

Gregory Kerr

Lass mich nie mehr los

“My dear child, rest your heart in me. Rest your heart in the glory of my love.

I have brought you to this special garden so that you may join me at this moment, offering your heart to me. I also thank you for offering your heart to me in the Holy Eucharist. This day, I desire to lead you in the joy of my mercy. And I am in all things.

You asked where you should go and you received my response in leading you through my Spirit. Be thankful.”

‘Yes, my Lord. I am thankful. Thank you for the glory of your love within my heart. And I pray that as you unite me with Cecilia and Paloma this day, that the time will be filled with joy and inspiration and the glory of further spreading your messages.

Go before me, O Lord. Send your angels before me and prepare the way of the light of your hope that my mission may be a success, fulfilled by your love.’

“Come to me now and receive me in my mercy, my son.”

I am now having a vision of Jesus. He is opening his arms to embrace me.

‘I thank you, my Lord. Guide me according to the glory of your hope and your will. Embrace me, uniting my heart to your heart, and never let me go.’

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