Herz Jesu

Botschaften der Liebe

Gregory Kerr

Betet für den Schutz und die Einheit meiner heiligen Kirche

Yesterday, while attending Holy Mass, after the consecration of the hosts, while we were saying the prayer to our Father, Saint John Paul II appeared with his eyes closed, dressed in white, with a cape or mantle over his shoulders made of a gold fabric. He was holding a shepherd’s staff, also made of gold, with a cross on top, the one that I have seen in past visions. And he was in a state of prayer.

He then began to walk from the church of St. Ambrose, where I shall attend Holy Mass while here in Rome, towards the Vatican. At that moment the vision ended. But it began some hours later in the afternoon when I was walking towards the courtyard of the Vatican.

John Paul II reappeared once again, appearing to be in a perpetual state of prayer, walking towards the courtyard and then entering it. He then stopped halfway between the beginning of the courtyard and the church itself. He was larger than life. And I understood that not only was he calling me there, but most importantly, he was interceding for the Holy Church.

A cross of gold now appears in the sky above him and where he stands. It is the Cross of the Resurrection- large, flat, the Cross of Life and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, the eternal dove of hope, appears above it with rays of golden light coming from its heart, rays like droplets of golden blood.

Der Heilige Geist sagt jetzt, “I have come to lead you to my Holy Church this day that the eternal love and joy of our Father may consume you and those of my children who believe, to also give them blessings of joy, blessings of hope and love for their hearts.

And I ask you to pray for the protection and unity of my Holy Church.”

‘Yes, I shall do so with love, with hope in the truth and strength of knowing that you are God and you can do all things. I pray for peace in this world as I prayed yesterday and for your children, may eternal love always light the way and may joy live within our hearts.’

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