Herz Jesu

Botschaften der Liebe

Gregory Kerr

So viele Seelen verleugnen mich, ein endloser Ozean von Seelen

“My son, in all things, give your heart to me. Give your heart to the glory of my love, as I always speak of.

For so many souls deny me, an endless ocean of souls. When my mercy is always waiting to redeem them and to give them my love.

Take my hand and stand with me. Stand beside me. And I shall also go before you.

Yes, Satan desires to disillusion you, which is important why you seek to serve others each day while on mission, as I have called you. In that way, your heart is focused on me and in serving the joy of my love, to strengthen you from the attacks of the enemy.

Yes, go now and give your heart to the purity of my love in offering a cup of the water of my mercy to those in need.”

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