Herz Jesu

Botschaften der Liebe

Gregory Kerr

Der Sturm war wie ein dunkler Wind

‘Lord Jesus, I ask forgiveness for my sins and the sins of the whole world.’

“My son, may your heart be purified from the forgiveness of my hand raised placed upon your head and your heart to say that I am present and I love you.”

I am now having the same vision of Our Lady from several moments ago in which she was appearing before me dressed in white, holding a bouquet of red roses, presenting it to me in love for our Savior and to give me the strength to continue as the attacks were strong, without rest, since arriving in Rome two days ago.

I had not had the beautiful moments in the silence of the night since early Monday morning. And although that may be considered to be a short time, it can be like an eternity. When the enemy came yesterday, appearing over the Vatican as John Paul was also appearing in the previous visions that I just described, the storm was like a dark wind swirling over the top of the dome.

Yes, and John Paul was protecting, interceding from heaven for the Holy Church, as was Our Lady at this moment of grace, because she is the Immaculate Conception, holy and pure, made of God’s graces. The storm that I felt has now become peace and I am thankful, as last night the attacks from the enemy were so strong on my mind.

‘I praise you Lord, for your presence, for your love and the love from our Mother. Oh, may this day be filled with the glory of peace to continue fulfilling what you desire in bringing me here to Rome.

I also thank God that you allowed my brother-in-law, my sister, his wife and his sister to come with me, as there are some moments in the battle when I should not be alone. I am grateful for all things.

May you, my God and Lord, Holy Trinity, be blessed as one. Pour your blessings and graces upon me, expand my territory, keep your hand upon me and protect me from evil, that I may not cause others harm.

O Holy Mother, who comes to me in the night, lead me in your glory.’

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