Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

Divine love reborn in our hearts

Cecilia: Thank you for being with us.

Gregory: It’s a great joy to be here in Mexico City as well as in Mexico, a great country of faith.

Cecilia: I already told our audience that we have a very important topic and a very beautiful topic about the divine love to be reborn in our hearts, especially this Christmas. Gregory, so what can you tell us about that?

Gregory: First, I would like to share a vision that I am having of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who desires that we give birth to life and love, to give birth to the love of Jesus within our hearts on Christmas Day, as well as eternally within our hearts.

She appears with her hands raised in the sky. The sky is blue and sapphire clear. She has her hands raised to heaven bearing the wounds of the stigmata, the wounds of the light of the crucifixion, to bring hope in God’s mercy for the forgiveness of our sins.

And as our Good Shepherd of hope to redeem us, to guide us in the beauty of his love, to take our hands each day that we may walk in his footsteps of mercy, his footsteps of compassion and hope for our brothers and sisters in need. And to guide us through the power of the Holy Spirit in praying that the Holy Spirit heal us, heart, mind, body and soul of all that needs to be healed.

She has her hands raised to heaven. And there is a chorus of angels of light appearing above her, forming an arch like a crown opening to the Holy Throne of God. There the great light of our Father is appearing for all of humanity. Calling all of his children to convert, to repent, to live in peace by living in his love. Love, love, love. Love that conquers all hatred within our hearts. Because Our Lady once said that as love begins in the heart, hatred begins in the heart.

As she continues to appear, I am having a vision of the hope of the new Jerusalem that is appearing within the Garden of Eden. Because upon our Lord’s birth, we are all being called to the restoration of grace in his love. Yes, to be cleansed and elevated beyond the state of original sin. That we were created in his likeness and we are being called to live in his image.

We are children of God, we are children of the light. And we are children of his hope and mercy to redeem us. Jesus said there was no greater love than this than to lay down our lives for our brother and to love one another as he loves us.

Yes, to not judge so that we may not be judged. He has said, he who has not sinned, cast the first stone. These are words of mercy and of love for him and his love for us, but also in our love for one another to follow his example. He gave his life. And we too are being called to give our lives to love, to be sacrificial lambs of love.

By walking in his footsteps on our journey of faith that is fulfilled by humility, the humility of the strength of choosing to say “yes” to live in his will. We must pray for strength and courage each day in the great hope of his mercy to guide us.

Without his birth, we would not have the gift of salvation. And we would not have the mercy to prepare for his Second Coming. Two thousand years later, the eternal message lives within the hearts of the faithful who choose to follow his path, in which God desires to take us in his mercy.

The beauty of Our Lady appearing is the beauty of hope. Because she only brings peace, the peace of her son, the Prince of Peace. In these days of Advent, we are being called to prepare our hearts for his birth within us. Because this birth was not in vain.

Do you have any comments or questions, Cecilia?

Cecilia: Yes. Yes. Just to ask you this, to make Jesus born in our hearts, what would be the things we have to do to fulfill this beautiful hope, to make the divine love renew our hearts, be reborn in our hearts? How can we do it?

Gregory: The first step to walk in his footsteps is to choose to accept him as our Savior. To be in a relationship with our Jesus of love, who calls us to walk in the freedom of the light, to make the choice to take his hand each day.

Because our Lord and Our Lady have said faith is a choice. As Our Lady made the choice to be the mother of the Savior. And in that choice to be in a relationship, we must foster the relationship through the power of eternal prayer. Prayer that draws us closer to God. Because in prayer we trust in him. In prayer, we offer our lives to him. In praying for deeper faith, we pray for a deeper hope in our lives.

The hope through prayer of you being united to his Sacred Heart. The hope through prayer, of always being united to him by speaking to him. Prayer produces peace, prayer produces strength. Prayer produces the great fruits of God’s love within us.

And then Our Lady has said, through prayer to meditate upon reading the Scripture, which are God’s holy words of light and life, to inspire, to guide and to grant us God’s wisdom. Jesus said I am the Word made flesh. When we read and meditate upon the Word, we receive the light of the Word to guide us in his wisdom through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Lady said that when we have the Holy Spirit, we have everything. Through the Spirit, our comforter, we receive the obedient discipline to trust in practicing the faith. Because through the practice of the faith, we grow in faith, we draw closer to God.

Our Lady has said in the power of receiving the sacraments, the power of the living sacraments, they are life and they are alive in Spirit, sacred to make our hearts holy and whole. She is calling us to live the sacraments in our daily lives by living the example of the Gospel message and the example of her son. By being consumed by the love of the sacraments, we are being consumed by the love of God in his mercy that forgives and in the love of the Holy Eucharist that consumes us, heart, mind, body and soul.

We are being called to a deeper life of faith through the sacraments, through prayer, through reading the scripture, through the practice of the faith.

Our Lady has said that we must pray to God our Father each day for deeper faith and to never give up. Because the enemy of God, Satan, desires to destroy our faith, rob us of our graces and blessings, to live in a state of sin and oppression.

Because our Lord once said that sin is anything that separates our hearts from him. Because it is not of the light. And how can we walk in the light if we are choosing to live in a state of sin and darkness? The great joy of the birth is the great joy of the hope, of the birth of God our Savior to bring his light that shines in the darkness, yes, to bring the light.

Our Lady once said she desires that the star of Bethlehem live within our hearts, to shine brilliantly within with hope, faith and love for God and our brothers and sisters. When I was receiving our Lord this morning, he said, I desire that you live in a state of hope to give hope to others. I am speaking of the true hope, not of the world, nor in the things of the world, but the true foundation of hope by trusting in God.

Do you have any questions, Cecilia? Are there any questions from the viewers?

Cecilia: You don’t have any questions? Just the questions I have.

You talk about the true hope. That would be the true faith and the true love. So how can we walk through that?

Gregory: Our Lady once said that faith is not complicated, we complicate it. And we walk in faith by walking in the footsteps of the light. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” By seeking to walk in his footsteps, by following him, we follow his example and his example of the Gospel message.

Yes, the power of the Gospel is the power of God’s love filling us through the power of his Word that is life in us. It is not complicated. If we want to follow the path of love, we must follow the path of living the example of Jesus.

Cecilia: How can we know that is correct, what we are doing?

Gregory: Because we are children of the light, children of God, we believe. And the scripture says that when we love God above all things and we love one another, we are living the greatest example and the fulfillment of God’s will. His divine will. According to the commandments, according to the fulfillment of the Beatitudes, the eternal sacrifice of our Lord’s passion, death and hope of his resurrection within us. We must choose life.

We must choose love, a love that conquers all hatred and war, love that conquers all indifference, to bring us peace and forgiveness in learning how to live with our indifferences and accepting one another.

Our Lady once said that life begins in the family and that love is fulfilled through the family.  The parents have a great responsibility to raise their children in the faith. But they, too, must walk in faith to be that example for them. Yes, in love we have everything.

Cecilia: Here is a question Lupita asked you. How to live this Advent if all around us is party, presents, material presents and united to the lack of faith of many, many that are around us?

Gregory: Thank you for your question, Lupita. The fiestas, the parties and the material aspect of celebrating Christmas are all not of the Spirit, but of the world. So, in that, I believe it is most important that we focus and stay focused on God in our preparation to grow in God’s love for his birth of love within us.

The scripture says that we are being called, although we live in the world, we are called to live in the Spirit. I believe this fulfills the answer to your question because it is to remain focused on walking the path of faith and not fall to the temptations of the parties and the drinking. The focus of Christmas is truly to give the love of God and to live in the Spirit of God’s love.

That is why it is such a great season of joy. For several weeks, the world and those who believe, there is a great spirit of love, peace, joy and Esperanza. We must also not forget to pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering these days from all aspects of their lives that may create that suffering.

Cecilia: There are a lot of people suffering. They don’t have food, they don’t have shelter, they don’t have a family or they have lost it.

Gregory: The true charity and love of Christmas is also in expressing it to one another, not forgetting the needs of one another.

Cecilia: But we also can pray for the people. Pray for all souls who are suffering and in need of the hope of God’s mercy.

I believe there may have been another question by Jorge.

Cecilia: Ask Gregory about the three days of darkness, when will this be?

Gregory: Jorge, I would like to answer your question, but our Lord has never spoken to me about the three days of darkness. He has spoken to me about the coming of the kingdom, the Perugia, the unification of heaven and earth, and the New Jerusalem that shall rise. And also, that those who choose, upon his Second Coming, his Second Coming of love, will be a Second Coming of hope for all eternity.

He spoke with me about that this morning. He said to tell my children to repent because the hour is near. Repent because the hour is near. Although we do not know that day, we are being called to live in the moment and in the presence of God to fulfill our salvation now.

Our Lord has only said that the sky would become dark and a Cross would appear in the sky as a sign and a preparation. I wish I could answer your question, Jorge, in more detail.

Cecilia: The thing is that the three days of darkness correspond, as far as we have a lot of programs about that Gregory, to the end of the tribulation. So, he can see all those programs at other times.

Another question, on the last day of the life of my father, when I saw him so bad, I said, “Daddy, repent in your heart of all your sins and accept with resignation God’s will.” And my father answered, “I am absolutely resigned to his will. If he wants me to be here the last day that will be so.”

I don’t know how many days or how many times have passed since his last confession Can someone take the Host, the sacrament, the Eucharist, to his home so he can have communion because he could not go to Mass? Is that possible? He has gone to Purgatory?

Gregory: I don’t know, only God knows his heart. And the moment of death is a moment of God’s mercy for the soul. She may be able to ask a priest to come to her home, so that he may confess and receive Holy Communion.

Not knowing all the circumstances. I believe it is most important that he received, that he confessed and that he received Holy Communion to prepare his heart, to cleanse his heart, to live the love of God for all eternity. Amen.

Cecilia: It is important to clarify that is not something that we know if someone has been in purgatory or not. The. The thing is that many people when they die go to purgatory to purify the last things.

Gregory: It is a place of purifying by God’s grace, to deliver us into the light of salvation for all eternity.

Cecilia: Anita says my mother died when she was asleep, she never woke up. What happened to her soul?

Gregory: Only God knows. In his love for your mother. Only God knows the heart. Because faith is believing in what we cannot see, but what we know to be true. Also to have hope in salvation for our loved ones through our intercession of prayers and faith for them. Pray for her soul and the redemption of her soul into the light of salvation, that God receive her always.

Do you have any thoughts or questions, Cecilia?

Let’s return to the topic. Gregory, we are in very difficult moments these days. What do you suggest to help the people that we live with to live the spirit of Christmas as it should be?

Gregory: To live the spirit of love in prayer and faith in action, and giving our hearts abundantly to our loved ones.

A great example of these words is Mother Teresa. She lived prayer and faith in action. She lived love in action in the example of Jesus. This is a powerful example because love produces joy. When we give to one another, we give hope to one another. We give with love, with charity, because true charity is love. Charity is to give with love without expecting in return. If not, it is not true charity because love, Jesus said, is unconditional.

Cecilia: Well, Gregory, I don’t know if you have anything else to say.

Gregory: There are many things that we could speak about.

But I want to say it was a great gift to be present and to speak about the power of love through our Lord’s birth. And how we live the birth of his love each day with kindness and compassion. Our Lady has said a gentle smile, an embrace. Yes. To embrace one another as God embraces us in his loving mercy. Love, love, love for these days. And in each and every day of our lives. We must make the days of Advent eternal in our hearts. Amen.

Cecilia: Thank you, Gregory, for being with us.

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