Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

Do not allow the enemy to place fear within your heart

Our Lord now says, “My son, rejoice in me and do not allow the enemy to place concerns of fear within your heart for they shall not be real. They are a temptation of Satan to distract you from me.”

‘Yes, my Lord, I understand. In the name of your love and in the name of you who are God, Jesus, I place my trust in you. The book of Isaiah 64 says, “For since the beginning of the world, men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides you who asks for the one who waits for him.” O my Lord, take me within your arms of mercy and act now according to your love.’

“Yes, my son, these are words to trust and hope, the hope of my presence within your life. Turn your heart to me and walk according to my way that is love and only love.”

I am now having a vision of Jesus appearing before me. He is dressed in the beauty of his white robe, standing majestically with his arms outstretched towards me. And in the purity of his love, he says, “Come to me, my son, walk in humility, the humility of loving and trusting and giving your heart to me fully each day. My heart cries in joy for the love of my mercy, for souls to repent.”

‘Yes, my Lord, I ask forgiveness for my sins and those of the whole world. Since these words come to me from you, I shall do so first, at this moment, say, strengthen me in your mercy and renew me in your joy this day. I love you, my Lord.’

“Yes, my son, come and allow me to consume you in my love.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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