‘Yes, my Lord, fill me with the light of your heart through the intercession and prayers of your holy mother.’
“My son, pray that God’s love fills your heart each day and allow him to lead you in his mercy. Do not accept complacency. Do not become stagnant in your faith but continue to persevere each day, my son, to run the good race of God’s love for his children.
Open your heart with sincere words of love in prayer for all that you must do is ask. Ask and he shall help you.
Come, my son, and take my hand.”
I am now having a vision of Mary. She is a figure of light, she is a figure of hope.
‘May God’s loving hope have my soul this day.
Yes, take me, Lord, as you desire, lead me in your mercy and help me to be at peace in your holy love.’
“My son, there are so many souls in need of hope. Be a light of faith, walk in the glory and the humility of my love each day and I shall lead you, my son, for my glory.”
‘Yes, Lord, take me as you desire and lead me through prayer within the hearts of your children.’