“My dear child.”
I am now having a vision of Our Lady appearing before me. She is extending her right hand, placing it upon my head to anoint and strengthen me through the power of the Holy Spirit with the graces and blessings of heaven.
Yes, she smiles and I can feel the warmth of her love.
“Yes, my son, turn your heart to Jesus, only and always, and you shall receive the great joy, the fruits of his mercy and his love each day. Seek his love with all your heart, knowing and trusting that he is with you and that he shall never abandon you. Do not lose hope, but continue to persevere with faith in asking God to help you.
Was it not a joy to be present last night at the wedding?”
‘Yes, mother, it gave me great joy.’
“Then, my son, be at peace because the person that you were meant to pray for was fulfilled, and you renewed and gave hope to the hearts of the family. Your presence there was not by your action, but it was by God’s. Do not limit what God can do.
‘Thank you, Mother, I receive this within my heart and I desire to give all.’