Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

Do not return to where you came from yesterday

Divine Mercy Sunday

“My son, continue to receive me as I, your Father, love you and we are united in the glory of this night that brings peace to your soul, the peace of my mercy, through which I desire to redeem all of my children in calling them back to me.

Yes, my son, the peace of my mercy is with you. Rest now and do not return to where you came from yesterday for I am here with you now, today, that is new and I desire that you fulfill it with hope.

It is good that you return to Santiago to be with my children there. And from there, I shall begin to lead you home. Rejoice in seeking all that is good for the love of your Savior, my only begotten son, Jesus. May the glory of the light that appeared before you lead you within the glory of my arms each day.

Sing, my son, sing a new song of love and rest now. For I have also sent you here to rest in preparation for greater things to come. The time of rest has not been time that has been lost, but for you to receive as joy in restoration of your soul by drawing closer to me.

Do not be conflicted if you do not go today where you think you are expected. And do not place those expectations upon yourself. Allow me to lead you.

Yes, rest now and I shall guide you in my wisdom. And you shall rejoice in the peace that you experience.”

‘I love you, Father.’

“Most importantly, my son, is that you are with me and I am for you. I have been for you in every way, I have never left you. And because of your faithfulness in persevering, I shall gift you with the desires of your heart.”

‘Father, my first and only desire is to love you and that shall fulfill all else.’

“Then go and love your brother. Rejoice, I say, rejoice for the time of my son’s coming is near.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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