“My son, although you have been sick beyond what you recall ever being, my heart is present in my love to say, rejoice.”
‘My Lord, I am thankful. I have felt weak and uncertain.’
“My son, do not allow the enemy to place emotions within your heart that are not of the light because I have come to give you joy and to restore your hope. I know that you were not expecting to become ill.
My son, place your focus on prayer, not on how you feel, which I do not disregard, but on what I can fulfill. My heart cries. Yes, my son, do not become anxious about tomorrow, but rejoice in this day, in all of the love that I have given you.”
‘Yes, my Lord, I am thankful. Heal me as you desire, because I want to live full of life. I want to see the glory of the sunrise and the ocean extending into the horizon for miles upon miles.
Yes, hear my prayer for mercy.’
“Believe, my son, the enemy wants you to give up. He does not want you to continue.”
‘My Lord, I have been away from home for so long. I have concern for my family whom I love.’
“My son, when you are out on mission with me, yes, with me for I am with you, you are happy and I take care of them, do I not? So do not let your heart be concerned or preoccupied with them or tomorrow. Draw closer to me, my love, and I shall draw closer to you. I shall fulfill your heart in every way.
Yes, rest now and do not look back or what could be, but what is in me.”
‘I love you, I love you, my Lord. Take me as you desire through the power and the mercy of your Cross. And I ask forgiveness for my sin of ingratitude. Heal me as you desire and may your love be fulfilled within my heart forever.’