"Hijo mío," Pope John Paul says, “My son, come to me. Come as I have called you, to allow me to embrace you in my love, to say, rest now in the glory of God. Rest in his mercy each day, knowing and trusting, believing that he loves you.”
"Hijo mío," Pope John Paul says, “My son, come to me. Come as I have called you, to allow me to embrace you in my love, to say, rest now in the glory of God. Rest in his mercy each day, knowing and trusting, believing that he loves you.”
Para su comodidad, estos mensajes se han traducido mediante traducción automática. Está totalmente automatizada y no requiere intervención humana. Se han hecho esfuerzos para proporcionar una traducción exacta; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta. En caso de duda, consulte el texto oficial en inglés.