Corazón de Jesús

Mensajes de amor

Gregory Kerr

Rest your heart in the heart of Jesus

I continue to have a vision of Mary before me. She is smiling. She is the Virgin, holy and pure and true. In the vision, she appears to be a young girl, the age of 14 or 15. And she smiles, and only smiles, in the joy of the love of God.


“My son, allow the joy of Jesus to penetrate your soul. Receive me daily in the Holy Rosary. Unite it to my heart in prayer where I shall take your hand and lead you in the abundance of God’s graces.

But to do so, you must discipline your time and set your time apart for God and only God. Jesus told Martha that her sister, Mary, made the better choice in desiring to be with him.

Yes, and giving all for the holy love of God. And by doing so, you shall work through love and with love for the hearts of others.

I present this bouquet to you of holy roses from heaven to also say, rest in the love of your Savior.”


“Yes, my son, if you choose, you may return home for your birthday or to celebrate here as you have been invited. You may do both. But what is most important is to celebrate the life of God, of his Spirit within you. Rejoice, my son, rejoice and receive the peace of your Lord’s love.”

‘Thank you, Mother.’

“Yes, my son, go, go now with joy. Rejoice each day in the miracle of life and the blessings that you are being given. Rejoice in the love of your Savior, as I did so each day of my life with gratitude and love for God.

Yes, my son, even in my suffering, I understood the importance of praising God and the joy of praising and loving him. Remember when you were a child, a young man, each day you were filled with the joy of the love of God and you chose to seek his joy for others.”

Sí, madre.

“My son, continue to do so even now. For you have faced great challenges of faith. And you must not let the spiritual battles in the world that our Father has granted you for his victories of love harden your heart.”

‘Yes, Mother, I understand. I shall do so. And that my only joy shall be in God. My joy shall be complete in him.’

“Love my son, love with all your heart. But do so by giving your heart to God. Then you shall be able to offer his love to your brothers and sisters, my children.

Be still and rest your heart in the heart of Jesus. For one can move, but if one does not move in the Spirit of the love of God, then their hearts are only busy. And the busyness of the world does not fulfill the work of the love of God.

Love in everything. Love fulfills everything.”

‘Yes, mother. Thank you. Thank you for loving me and taking my hand and returning me to the heart of God’s love.’

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