Corazón de Jesús

Mensajes de amor

Gregory Kerr

Busca todas las posibilidades según mi voluntad

Te amo, mi Señor; te amo. Ven y tómame como deseas, entre tus brazos para quedarme y sostenerme en tu misericordia. Levántame en tu amor, renueva mi fe, mi esperanza y mi amor, y mi valor y mi fuerza. Fortifícame en mi resolución de servirte.

Take me to new heights of love this day, that I may serve others in your mercy. I love you, my Lord. I love you.’

“Yes, my son, it is good that you have come to me. Allow me to consume you in the joy of my love and be free. Seek all possibilities according to my will in your desire to love me and to serve others with joy.

Yes, come and let me take you as I desire with all the holy angels and the saints.”

I am now having the vision of angels surrounding me. They are made of light. There are several. One initially appeared that I understand is my guardian angel.

And I ask, ‘Guardian angel, that you go before me this day and remove all barriers to me fulfilling the will of God. And may joy lead me united to the heart of Jesus in prayer.’

“My son, I love you.”

‘My Lord, thank you.’

“It is good that you arrived home last night.”

‘Thank you for bringing me, as it looked impossible, but what we see does not compare to all that you can fulfill, for nothing is impossible for you. I love you.

And I now pray for Nana Adriana, for her healing, as well as for Danny’s father, that you may elevate the strength of his heart.

I love you. I love you. Help me to see and act in all that you desire to fulfill through me to be who you created me to be.’

Para su comodidad, estos mensajes se han traducido mediante traducción automática. Está totalmente automatizada y no requiere intervención humana. Se han hecho esfuerzos para proporcionar una traducción exacta; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta. En caso de duda, consulte el texto oficial en inglés.

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