Corazón de Jesús

Mensajes de amor

Gregory Kerr

Tantos han elegido vivir ciegamente en la oscuridad del pecado

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.

I am now having a vision of Our Lady. She is dressed in white, walking upon a fertile path that is slightly uphill and covered with large boulders and rocks. She is carrying a cross made of wood that is approximately six or eight feet (2-2.6 meters) in height. The weight does not strain her, she carries it as a feather by her grace and her love for all of humanity.

The vision began during the night and it remains. She is sweating and gentle tears of blood come from her eyes, so blue and pure that the contrast is awakening.

Ahora dice, “My dear child, I carry this Cross in the name of my son, Jesus, for all of humanity for they have forgotten to love the Lord their God with all of their hearts. And so many have chosen to live blindly in the darkness of sin, choosing Satan, not God, choosing the darkness and not to live in the joy and the truth of the light that purifies the soul each day.”

Even in her sorrow, she is beautiful. And she continues saying, “I shall go before you so that you may announce a day of repentance in continuing to call all souls to repent through the unity of prayer to my son’s heart and to be a voice for the hearts of others.

Do not tire in your efforts, my dear child, turning your heart to God each day in his great compassion and mercy for his children. I am always present, for I love them and I carry this Cross for them to intercede for the victory of a deeper faith within their hearts, conversions and peace throughout the world.

Let your heart sing of love, my child, and of this vision that you may follow me and that the Cross may always go before you.”

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