Corazón de Jesús

Mensajes de amor

Gregory Kerr

El tiempo, la hora, está llegando. Se acerca.

“My dear child, be not engaged in the ways of men and in all things trust in me.

Yes, my son, trust in the glory of my love for the ways of men are not my ways. Focus solely on me even when you are attempting to help them. Do not let your heart be discouraged or afraid for that is what the enemy desires.

Fulfill that which you are meant to fulfill and open your heart to my love.

Yes, my son, go and be free in the joy of my mercy and the power of the Holy Spirit leading you. For I desire that you keep your heart for me. My heart cries in merciful love for my children and the time, the hour, is coming. It is near.

Rejoice, rejoice, my son in the holy love of me, your Savior. Let me take you as I desire and walk in the mercy of my love for my children. Give them my heart.

Yes, rejoice in giving them my heart of mercy. Trust only in me my son and be kind to all.”

Para su comodidad, estos mensajes se han traducido mediante traducción automática. Está totalmente automatizada y no requiere intervención humana. Se han hecho esfuerzos para proporcionar una traducción exacta; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta. En caso de duda, consulte el texto oficial en inglés.

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