I am now having a vision of Jesus. I can only see him from behind, from below his waist, as he is walking and his robe appears majestically white. He is wearing sandals with strapping over the tops of his feet that are made of rich brown leather. It is the dark of the night, yet his robe illuminates his path, and a light that is soft and golden before his feet, illuminating his footsteps.
‘O my Lord, may this path that you follow, as your robe moves gloriously in the wind, lead me.’
“Yes, my son, the more that you receive me, the more that your heart shall magnify the glory of your Lord, the more that it shall magnify me.”
‘Yes, my Lord.’
“My son, follow me in my golden footsteps of love, that I may draw you closer to me for the glory of humanity, that your heart may be a sacrifice of love for your brothers and sisters. The path of peace is the path of holy hope.
Rejoice in where I am leading you, in my love, that each day be like in the original Garden of Eden where you can walk and talk with me as your first parents did and live for my glory.
Yes my son, rejoice in the glory of my love and all that is good, for I have come to take you in my mercy on this path of truth and light.”
‘I love you, my Lord, may the richness of this vision carry my soul.
O holy glory, O holy light, redeem me and elevate me within your heart of love.’