Le cœur de Jésus

Messages d'amour

Gregory Kerr

L'Esprit définit ma volonté

“My dear child, do not hesitate, but move in the Spirit of my love. Sit no longer, but rise in the action of prayer. This shall fulfill your heart on this day according to my will. Allow me to lead you in my mercy and my love.

Be not afraid, but allow me to lead you according to my path of hope in my Spirit and to take you to new heights for my glory. Do not hesitate or procrastinate. Fulfill that which the Spirit places within your heart, for the Spirit defines my will as you are being inspired for me to lead you.

Yes, the Spirit defines my will by revealing my will to you and placing within your heart those inspirations for my glory. To walk in the example of my way and to listen to the love of my heart beating within you to lead you as I desire.

Yes, walk in my mercy and walk in the joy of my love this day, knowing and trusting that each footstep shall be fulfilled in my footsteps of love by allowing me to lead you.

Yes, my son, allow me to lead you in my glory and my hope. I love you. Take my hand, for I am with you.”

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