Le cœur de Jésus

Messages d'amour

Gregory Kerr

Venez à moi comme des âmes prodigues

‘Lord, I pray to fix my thoughts on you.’

“Yes, my son, keep your heart and mind fixed on me so that you may know the way of truth and follow the way of the life. I came to set the captives free so that mankind may not live in the darkness but live and choose to live each day in the light of what is good.

I am calling each of my children to live in the joy and the truth of the light which shall only benefit their souls, and they shall be fruitful and joyful to live in peace.

My son, my heart cries in mercy for my children to come to me as prodigal souls seeking the love of their Savior each day.”

‘Yes, my Lord, may you, our eternal shepherd, lead us in your mercy and hope into the goodness of your heart.

Yes, lead us in your love.’

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