Le cœur de Jésus

Messages d'amour

Gregory Kerr

Engagez-vous et consacrez votre cœur à lui chaque jour.

Blessed Carlo, who has been waiting, appears beside Jesus, who is love. I can feel Carlo’s love and kindness. I can feel the mercy of God from within him as he remains still.

Now he says, “My son, the heart of Jesus is with you. Commit and consecrate your heart to him each day and allow the mercy of his holy love to fill you and be your light.

My son, rest now within the heart of Jesus and I thank you for coming to me.”

‘Yes, Carlo, I thank you for calling me.’

“May hearts and souls be blessed in God’s love, my son. May his mercy endure forever through the power of the light of the Cross and the Holy Eucharist to reign within souls forevermore.”

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