Le cœur de Jésus

Messages d'amour

Gregory Kerr

La Basilique commence à s'unir à nouveau

Our Lord continues the message and the vision by saying, “My son, now that I have brought you here, the mystery of my will shall be fulfilled for my people and the pope of the light. For I am the way, the truth and the life.

The light of this world shall be chosen in my name for my glory that shall end the divide within my Holy Church. It will not be long now before Francis is called to his glory, for the glory of my Father and of my people, the body of the Church. For he has served it well in my name, chosen as my shepherd, as a new shepherd shall be chosen for the glory of our Father.

Tell the people not to despair.”

And as I once had a vision of the Basilica of St. Peter’s being split in half, it is now beginning to unite once again in its divide.

‘The people, they desire peace in their hope of salvation and their hope of love. Amen.’

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