“My dear child, in all things seek me first. Seek first the kingdom of heaven and everything else will be given you. Besides, seek me, your love. Remember that it is I who have called you to my mercy, to the hope of my Holy Cross for others, to place your heart fully in love for me, and I shall guide you in my mercy that is truth.”
‘Lord, I desire to trust only in you and not myself.
The Holy Scripture says in Proverbs 3 never forget to be truthful and kind. Hold these virtues tightly within your heart, write them deep within your heart. If you want favor with both God and man, and your reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely. Do not ever trust yourself and in everything you do, put God first and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3.
O my Lord, I love you and I do not want to trust in myself. The thoughts of men are not the thoughts of God. And I desire to think like you, to love like you as you have told me, to see as you see and to speak as you speak.
I have been tempted with great fears, especially at this moment when a storm so massive is moving towards my home. Yes, may I trust in you and ask you, Lord, to divert this storm and place your hand upon it to calm the waters. For you can do all things and nothing is impossible for you.’
“My son, my strength is mightier than what you see. And in the purpose and fulfillment of love, I desire that you live for my glory. Let your heart rest, my love, and proclaim my mercy through your example for others. Especially for the one whom I have sent you to take care of. For through the mercy that you shall show him, he shall show mercy to many beyond your belief. He is in need of your support and of my encouragement and love.
Do not allow the enemy through pride to harden your heart. Serve all, even a king of this world.”
‘I understand, my Lord. May I always love my brother and serve him in humility. May I always serve all of my brothers and sisters whom I love dearly.’
“Thank him and all who have given their heart to me to help you.
Yes, entrust your actions to me. The enemy desires that you focus on him and he will attempt for you to excuse your actions.”
‘I understand, my Lord. Love conquers all and where there is love and light, there is no darkness. And we must serve our brothers and sisters with your suffering heart, with your compassionate heart and your heart to bring peace. Yes, it is the only way.’
“Entrust yourself to the love of my mercy. Go to speak to Hakuna at St. Augustine’s once again. For as you were there to attend the prayer group in adoration last night, you prayed and asked me and I fulfilled that for you. I will answer your prayer. Remain in my love, I in you and you and me for the glory of heaven, of heaven’s hope.
Yes, go to the prisoners and fulfill the work of the projects for them. I know that you are overwhelmed. Entrust all to me at this moment.”
‘Yes, my Lord, I am trying to maintain the course of your goodwill. I love you. Consume me in your love that I may walk in the light of your holy mercy to see, to focus wholly on you, to fulfill all things, seeking first the Kingdom of God and your holy mercy.
For you said not to trust in myself but to trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you, I trust in you. Hold me within your arms of light.’
“Yes, allow me to renew your resolve as my Spirit is now entering you.”
‘O come Holy Spirit and eternal light. Yes, renew my resolve and peace. Take me, Holy Trinity, as you desire, all three in one, for the eternal glory of man. Renew my strength and courage. No matter what takes place, I trust in you. I will not be conquered by fear and darkness. I will not stand in the darkness, but I will stand in the light.’
“Now is the time, my son, now is the time. I have you here in Mexico for my greater purpose, my country to where I sent my mother of love, of Guadalupe.
Yes, she was sent by me, united as the Holy Trinity in one, to fulfill this work of redemption for the hearts of my children in calling them to my love.
Yes, listen to my heart, my little love, and rest now. Rest in my mercy.
Go speak with them and speak to all who seek me. You have much time left to fulfill the desires of my heart. Do so with love, my little love. Your heart in me and through me is bigger than what you think. Allow me to make it full that my mercy may overflow from within you for my children.”