Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr
Sacred Heart of Jesus

Our Lord and Savior Jesus says, “My Sacred Heart of love continues to call all souls to my mercy, to repent and receive the forgiveness of my heart. For I love all and there is no sin that is greater than my mercy to forgive. No soul is exempt from my loving mercy.

I am calling all men to the holy foot of my Cross, to the glory of my love, to seek me with all of their hearts, that they may be transformed and prepared for the glory of eternal life in their salvation.

Love opens the doors of heaven for any soul who seeks me in my mercy and desires to love me eternally. You cannot imagine the glory of the love that I have for my children.

Seek me with all of your heart and you shall find me waiting with open arms in my loving mercy to embrace you. The power of the Cross is the power of my loving sacrifice for souls, to heal them in my mercy, to forgive them and to restore joy, great joy, to their hearts.

Yes, first love, then mercy.”

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I shall help you this day, do not worry about tomorrow

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Then he abounds with more of his graces

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