Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr
Sacred Heart of Jesus

Our Lord and Savior Jesus says, “My Sacred Heart of love continues to call all souls to my mercy, to repent and receive the forgiveness of my heart. For I love all and there is no sin that is greater than my mercy to forgive. No soul is exempt from my loving mercy.

I am calling all men to the holy foot of my Cross, to the glory of my love, to seek me with all of their hearts, that they may be transformed and prepared for the glory of eternal life in their salvation.

Love opens the doors of heaven for any soul who seeks me in my mercy and desires to love me eternally. You cannot imagine the glory of the love that I have for my children.

Seek me with all of your heart and you shall find me waiting with open arms in my loving mercy to embrace you. The power of the Cross is the power of my loving sacrifice for souls, to heal them in my mercy, to forgive them and to restore joy, great joy, to their hearts.

Yes, first love, then mercy.”

Most Recent Messages

See as I see

“Come to me, my son, for my peace is with you and let your heart be open to all of the possibilities of my love. Let your heart be open to receiving me for my glory and to know that I shall always stand with you. Yes, my son, rejoice,

I have called all of my children to be lights

“My dear child.” ‘My lord, I thank you for the joy and the beauty of this day. I thank you for the hope of your peace.’ “Yes, my son, I have come to bring you peace, the peace of my mercy and the hope that is my love to sustain

My Sacred Heart shall be your eternal shield of hope and love

“Yes, my son, I desire to bring you peace, the peace that only my love can give you and hope restored each day through the glory of my heart. Come now and allow me to fulfill your heart this day, to lead you upon my path of mercy and to

The joy of conversion is the joy of peace

Our Lady is now appearing before me. She is dressed in the purity of white as Our Lady of Fatima. ‘O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy. Dear Lady, take

I, your Lady of the Light, am always with you

“My son, as you return to rest, I desire to say to you, love everyone. Love your brothers and sisters as I have called them through you to love God above all things and to say, be at peace. For I, your Lady of the Light, am with you. And

Jesus, take me as you desire

“Yes, my son, I have come this day to say that I am with you and that my love, that is your strength, shall always be your joy. Raise your hands to heaven in my love. Raise your hands to heaven with my heart to say, ‘Jesus, take me as

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