Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

I always forgive my prodigal children

Easter Sunday

Jesus is now appearing before me with his hands extended from his side towards heaven.

And now says, “My dear child, I am the joy of your resurrected Christ. I am he who offered myself for the eternal forgiveness of sin in my mercy.

Yes, my son, I appear before you now as your resurrected Christ of love to say that I am present for all of my children. I am their King and their Savior, and I am waiting for each one of them to come to me in my holy love, that I may embrace them to say, repent and allow me to forgive you, that I may one day take you to heaven with me through the purity of your heart in loving me.

Yes, with my hands raised to heaven and my arms open, I desire to embrace the whole world in the beauty of my mercy. May your hearts be glad, my children, and may you seek your peace in me, your Savior, to love all, to forgive all as I love you and as I forgive you. My mercy is great and my hope for your heart is eternal.”

‘My Lord, so many souls are in need of your mercy and are lost without seeking the light and turning their hearts to you.’

“My son, as your Good Shepherd, I always forgive my prodigal children and I shall always call them till the day of my Second Coming, to say repent, for the hour is near and my heart cries for your hearts to receive my mercy and love that shall always redeem you.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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