Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

I love and adore the hearts of my priests

“My son.”

‘Yes, mother, may your Immaculate Heart shine brilliantly within my heart. And I ask you to take my hand and lead me each day throughout these final days of my mission so that I may fulfill the words of your son Jesus to share his merciful hope with others.’

“My son, rejoice, rejoice in the goodness of his love and let him take your hand and lead you.”

‘Yes, mother, I need him so. I rejoice in him, my Savior for all, for you gave birth to all and for all in giving birth to him; you gave birth to the resurrection and the life.

O mother.’

“My son, I desire you to speak to my heart, to our hearts, always from your heart.”

‘Yes, mother, I need the strength, the hope, the support and encouragement of your son’s love and your love this day.

In speaking with the priest last night, who shall remain unnamed for the trust and confidence of your son’s love, he had such a need to hear the words of your son that we are to forgive and stand in peace so that he may continue to shepherd your children. I pray for all priests throughout the world, Pope Francis, the cardinals and bishops, that they may lead us with clarity of truth, for they are in such need, standing in the world, but not of the world, and in need of the Holy Spirit to sustain them.’

“My son, I love and adore the hearts of my priests, for they are my children, sanctified by the love of my son each day in the Holy Eucharist. Continue to pray for them as many have become weak and the enemy desires to destroy the sacred promise of the sacrament for which they received.”

‘Yes, mother, with love I shall treat them and with hope they shall always be within my heart.’

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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