Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

I shall take care of you

‘Father, I thank you for this early morning night and for all that I can fulfill through you and in you for the hearts of your children, to offer them the joy of your healing mercies and to witness their desire to grow in faith in the midst of their sorrows, all of their needs and their hope.

I thank you for leading me to them and for the souls that you will unite me to today through your heart. For your heart is love and only love. Fill me with your heart of love that I may offer them the hope of your peace and the miracles of your light for nothing is impossible for you. I believe, I have hope and I love you.’

“Come to me, my son, and I, your Father, shall give you strength by resting within my heart each day to be a man of goodwill for my children. And do not be concerned for the future for I shall take care of you and I shall provide all that is necessary in my love as you serve me in love with a pure heart as I have called you to give only to the hearts of my children. You know within your heart that you need nothing but me.”

‘Yes, Father and I want nothing for me except to love them and to first do so through loving you.’

“You shall see me in my glory and the hope of my son’s Second Coming of light and of truth for all humanity.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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