Heart of Jesus

Messages of Love

Gregory Kerr

I shall take your heart into the stars

O come, O glory of the night, where the clouds are blackened silhouettes as the sun is now beneath the water. Above them, the sky, opaquish blue and white, fading darker into the heavens and the stars. Although they have yet to come, they shall when the last of the puffy white clouds fade and the moon rises.

Now I can see the first star to the south, lying low, twinkling, bright and happy, as our souls should be, reflecting the glory of God. O eternal night come and take my soul into the heart of he who created all things. Take my soul for all eternity, that I may cry from the heavens upon earth, to say that love and only love brilliantly made all things.

Our Father says, “My son, come and let me take your heart. I shall take it into the stars where the moon shines and you shall see from the heavens my glory being cast upon the earth with great mercy. I love all of my children and my heart sings for all of humanity to return to me.

Be not afraid, but go. Go with great hope and by my hand I shall lead you and I shall form a new soul within you each day. The closer you draw to me, I shall consume you in my love for the hearts of my children. For I shall speak through you and my voice shall be a reflection across the earth, as the waters that move and ripple before you, to say that I am God and my light is greater than all things.

I love you, I love you. Listen to my heart, my son. Reach out your hand and let me take you.”

For your convenience, these messages have been translated through machine translation. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. Efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect. Please refer to the official English text if there are questions.

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