As the eternal light of the day rises, moving across the black waters to make the ocean blue, I stand at its shore this night. Within my heart, Jesus is now appearing next to me. We are looking at the horizon of the stars and he smiles at me, takes my hand and says,
“My son, isn’t it beautiful? We stand here this early morning night so that you may see as I see and be present with me in the joy and hope of what can be.”
‘My lord, take me as you desire. Remove any obstacles to fulfill this path, my journey with you. Thank you for all you have done for me and for allowing me to be here with you. Although I am unworthy in every way, you see fit to use me as you desire, when I stand here with you, looking out to all that is possible, nothing is impossible for you.’
“Yes, my son, I have brought you here so that you may see without limits, that you may go without limits to uplift you from fear and the weaknesses of your human nature, to stand in the strength of the Spirit.”
‘O my Lord, you have so often said that you shall take me to new heights of love unseen within a human heart. I believe, and I also know, that I was placing limitations on you.’
“My son, let us go now and be free for my mercy is good and my love endures forever.”
‘Lord, I give thanks to you, for you are good and your love endures forever.’
Jesus is now silent as he stands with me.
And now says, “My son, it is your choice.”
‘I choose my Lord, I choose you now and forever, my love, that eternally one day I shall always stand here with you for the redemption of your children.’