“My son, the earth yearns for my glory, for the hope of my love, for within there is life and I am the light of the human race. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has no power over me, over the victory of my Cross.”
‘My Lord, Psalm 63 says, “So I have looked for you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory.”’
“Yes, my son, to give witness to my power and glory through my love. For where there is love, there is peace.
I know that you are concerned about certain members of your family. I desire that you share those concerns with my heart. I desire that you share all things with me so that they do not stew within you and the enemy can use your emotions to misguide you with fear and concerns.
May your hope be fully in the strength of my love, for my glory is good and it lasts forever.”
‘Yes, my Lord, I am concerned and it hurts me that they are hurting, that they are experiencing sorrow.’
“My son, you can use their sorrow to encourage them in my mercy and to bring them hope. Instead of focusing on the sadness, focus on prayer and, then, encouraging them. Offer them to my mercy each day.”
‘Yes, my Lord, take me in your love.’