Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Chiedere a Dio nostro Padre la saggezza

La Madonna dice, “My son, pray and ask God our Father for wisdom that you may seek to fulfill not your will but the glory of his will. Rejoice, my son, for God is leading you. And what is most important is that you are open to his guidance and obedient to doing his will through loving him first, through loving God, my son.

For the journey of where you shall be led will be. But what is most important is that you are with him. Seek God this day in the glory of his love through prayer and receiving him, to receive the triune God, the Holy Trinity, within your heart. Rest now, rest.”

‘I love you, mother. Thank you.’

“Yes, my son, focus on God. Seek him first today and do not worry about tomorrow. Rejoice and give your heart in love to him and you shall be happy and you shall receive peace. Pray for peace, for we are with you.”

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