Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Nella chiesa del mio amato San Francesco

The vision of the angel appearing in the palm leaves, an infant, pure and made of light, continues. ‘I ask that you, my little angel, take care of my heart. Place your wings upon my head to anoint me with the blessings of the light and the joy of the love of heaven.’

Our Lord now says, although I cannot see him at this moment, I can hear his voice speaking to my soul, “My dear child, I am most pleased that you have come to me and that you are now here in Assisi. I desire that you receive me in the Holy Eucharist in Mass, at the church of my loving St. Francis.

Yes, my son, receive me tomorrow in my loving mercy that I may consume you, my love, and take you within my heart to fulfill my desires within your soul. Listen to me, speaking to you as I am your Lord and God of mercy and hope for my children.”

‘Yes, my Lord. Take me as you desire as there is nothing more important in this world than to love you. I shall do so.’

“My son, you are tired and I desire that you rest now, as you know what I want you to fulfill tomorrow in Holy Communion with me. And yes, Carlos shall be present. Allow me to lead you, my love.”

‘Take me as you desire, for I want to only love you. I want nothing except to love you.’

Per comodità, questi messaggi sono stati tradotti tramite traduzione automatica. Si tratta di una traduzione completamente automatizzata che non prevede alcun intervento umano. Sono stati compiuti sforzi per fornire una traduzione accurata; tuttavia, nessuna traduzione automatica è perfetta. In caso di dubbi, si prega di fare riferimento al testo ufficiale in inglese.

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