Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Consider all of the wrongs that I committed

As I was meditating in prayer for the hearts of those in prison to whom I shall speak this day in the communion of saints, St. Paul said, “Consider all of the wrongs that I committed, all of those whom I killed in the name of vengeance, according to the old law. But Christ came to fulfill the new.”

‘Yes, my Paul. And he shall do all things with love.’

St. Paul then says, “It is through his loving mercy that I was converted from my blindness to see the way, the path, the truth of the light.

My son, tell them this, tell them that if it were not for Christ’s mercy, I would not have been saved.”

Per comodità, questi messaggi sono stati tradotti tramite traduzione automatica. Si tratta di una traduzione completamente automatizzata che non prevede alcun intervento umano. Sono stati compiuti sforzi per fornire una traduzione accurata; tuttavia, nessuna traduzione automatica è perfetta. In caso di dubbi, si prega di fare riferimento al testo ufficiale in inglese.

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