Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Do not allow the enemy to keep you stagnant from the Spirit

‘My Lord, I thank you for your loving mercy and kindness towards me, for having delivered me from so many dangers, the attacks of darkness and the evil one himself. I thank you for always being present to love and protect me, guide me, strengthen me, show me your path, and be my light.’

I am now having a vision of Jesus. He is appearing before me dressed in white, with a great and golden light emanating in the form of rays from the mid-center of his body, his entire being. And I can feel the presence of his love penetrating me.

‘O my Lord and my light, take me as you desire this day. Lead me in your mercy.’

“Yes, my son, rise and move for my glory. Do not allow the enemy to keep you stagnant from the Spirit of my love. Yes, let us guide you in my merciful hope and you shall be at peace and you shall receive happiness and joy for all that I desire within your heart according to my will, my son.

Yes, let me take you as I desire this day and let me lead you in my mercy.”

‘Yes, my Lord, take me as you desire. And I am thankful for all that you have done for me. I pray for your peace and joy to consume my heart and to lead me in every decision, every act and every word. I pray for strength and courage in all things. I pray for the love of your heart to consume my heart with peace, Lord, and with great trust in your mercy.

I also pray, Lord, for my brothers and sisters who are in need of hope, who are sad, who are fearful, who are oppressed, who are sick, dying, destitute and do not know what to do. Hear my heart’s cry for them, to bring them joy.

And Lord, may I not fail you in serving you with great compassion in the love of your mercy for others. Yes, to always be compassionate and merciful towards my brothers and sisters. Not to judge, but to love; not to fear what they may think of you in me, but to act with you in me.

What can I say, my Lord, my God, my hope and my salvation? But take me as your desire this day and may hope in the victory of love, the love of your resurrection. Live with the life of the Spirit within me.’

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