Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Affida tutto a me

“My son, yes, be at peace in your travels to Rome. Simply trust in my mercy to fulfill all things and I shall lead you there in my goodness and my hope for your heart.

Yes, rest now and be not discouraged but entrust all to me.”

‘My Lord, then I offer all to you and ask that you give me the grace to rest now in the peace and holy hope of your mercy.’

“Do not let your heart be afraid, my son.

Yes, my heart is with you, it is my heart of love. By trusting in me you shall expect that which is perfect also in its time. Let your heart rest and entrust it to the glory and goodness of my love.”

‘Lord, I entrust my travels now, and my rest, to you this night that you may prepare me through the power of your Spirit and grant me the joy of your holy love to lead me and to rejoice, yes, rejoice, for all that is good in your Holy Name.’

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