Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Evangelizzare la gloria del Verbo fatto carne

I am now having a vision of the Holy Spirit descending upon me in the form of the holy and pure dove of light and love. ‘O Holy Spirit, consume my soul with the power and humility of the graces of heaven to sustain and guide me in your joy and your hope.

Grant me thy wisdom, especially in this meeting, this encounter, that I am now entering, that I may be an instrument of your light, love, wisdom and guidance. And of the hope of faith for those who would be present in the decisions that they need. For your glory in evangelizing the glory of the Word made flesh through the production of films that shall inspire greater depths of our faith and greater depths of your merciful love, for your forgiveness, redemption and salvation. May this work be fulfilled; these works for your glory.

I am nothing and I have little knowledge. They have the knowledge as well as the talents and gifts that you have given them to bring to life, the fullness of life, through their works of humility and desire to serve you, O God. May all be given for your glory, for you have blessed them with the capabilities to invest their hearts, to give their hearts and to provide for these works of love.

May your light come and shine upon me and them. Amen.’

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