Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Non abbandonerò mai coloro che mi cercano

As I began to say the Hail, Holy Queen for the joyful mysteries, I had a vision of Our Lady appearing with a crown of diamonds, the eternal crown of God’s glory as Queen of Heaven and Queen of Love. The diamonds were sparkling all around the crown and I could witness her majesty, her love, as she was smiling with hope for her children.

‘Mother, why have you appeared in such a way?’

“To say that in the name of my son Jesus, I am love. I am all things through him and the Holy Trinity, in being the Immaculate Conception and in being the Queen of Peace and Hope for my children.

May the eternal light of my son’s love be poured upon the world and may he be glorified and adored forever.

I am with you and all of my children, and I shall never abandon those who seek me and entrust their hearts to me as their mother.”

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