Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

Nella gioia, nella battaglia, nell'amore, ci siete voi.

“Yes, my son, my holy Mother was presenting to you the roses of my love to awaken your heart with my light in the darkness of the battle that you were facing. He was attempting to blind you through your being tired and weary from not resting these past nights, then to distract your heart from me. But we have gently brought you back in prayer to fully unite your heart to our hearts.”

At this moment I am having a vision of red roses, of grace, of clarity, of unity and peace filling the ceiling of my room here in Rome. The ceiling is tall and white, beautifully slotted with wood and beams, and the contrast of the red roses appears to say to my heart, ‘Who is your God and your Savior?’

‘It is you, my Jesus, in the joy, in the battle, in the love, it is you.

Yes, it is you and may your heart consume me to give me rest this night, united ever so closely to you, my Lord, my love and my hope.’

“Remember what I told you, my son, just a few minutes ago, to eat for your strength. Eat only that which shall satisfy your body.”

Sì, mio signore, capisco".

“Yes, my son, I have given you health and youth at an old age. Use it for my glory and pray to our Father for the blessing of good health each day.”

‘Yes, my Lord, I understand. I pray for wisdom, discipline and guidance in all things.’

Per comodità, questi messaggi sono stati tradotti tramite traduzione automatica. Si tratta di una traduzione completamente automatizzata che non prevede alcun intervento umano. Sono stati compiuti sforzi per fornire una traduzione accurata; tuttavia, nessuna traduzione automatica è perfetta. In caso di dubbi, si prega di fare riferimento al testo ufficiale in inglese.

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