Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

It is good that you repent each day

“My dear child, it is good that you have come to me that I may give your heart rest. Knowing and trusting in my love, not in the love of others, as you are meant to fully trust in me and to serve them as my instrument of love, unconditionally.

Be not afraid, my son, for I shall lead you my mercy to the footsteps of St. Peter’s in which I shall ask you to pray for the unity and the peace of the Church as well as that which I desire to fulfill for the canonization of my son, Carlos.

Yes, rest now and offer your heart to me in joy, peace and hope; a prayer united to my heart and to my passion for my children in which I am asking them to seek my forgiveness and to repent.

It is good that you repent each day to offer to me your heart, purified in my mercy of anything that is not of me and of the temptations and distractions of the world to which I am calling to live in peace. Thank you, my son.”

‘My Lord, I love you. Take me as you desire, take me in your love.’

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