Cecilia: Thank you for being with us. Thank you, Gregory, for being with us. You have a lot of things there where you are.
Gregory: Yes and most importantly, that we are united in faith.
Cecilia: We discussed the elections in the US where we talked about numerous aspects of what the election means in your country. And you said something very beautiful, that God always will be seated on his throne and nobody is going to move him. And we have to be aware that God is in control.
Today we are going to speak about hope, the hope of the Second Coming. That is the most important thing because we talk about the warning. That is very important. But the warning is hope.
So, what do you want to tell us today, Gregory?
Gregory: As I was praying in preparation for the program, I had a vision of our Lord. He was dressed in white as the Good Shepherd. He was dressed in white as our Good shepherd of love and our Good shepherd of hope and light. Our Lord was walking down a fertile path and the soil was rich and reddish brown. And appearing upon the path were a great multitude of God’s children.
As he walked past them, our Lord began to embrace them in his mercy, to hold them in his love, touching their heads with compassion, with great compassion. They were his lost children that are now found, those who have converted and those who were once his prodigal children.
They have returned to him in repenting at the foot of the Cross and seeking God’s forgiveness and mercy through the power of the gift of his redemption, of his passion and mercy of the Cross.
The Scripture says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that we may not perish, but that we may have life and that we may experience the joy and hope of life abundantly in and through his sacrifice.
We have the power of the Kingdom of God within us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our Lady has so often said that when we have the Holy Spirit, we have everything. When we have the power of the Spirit living and breathing within us, we are given the strength to stand as children of God, children of the light and as children of hope.
Because the time is now to repent. John the Baptist said, repent, for the hour is near. The time is now, the moment is now to receive the holiness and graces of God’s mercy, to sanctify our souls and to beatify them in God’s love.
Yes, the moment is now. We can focus on the signs as well as on the tribulations to come. We can speculate much about the future and the Second Coming of our Lord. But it is not a Second Coming of fear. It is a Second Coming of love, of great love for his children, calling the world for transformation for those who will make the choice, for those who will choose faith, to believe and to act in believing according to the Gospel message of truth.
Upon his second coming, as the flowers shine in the sun, and the moon and the stars shine brilliantly in the night to give us hope, we are being called to be sanctified by the hope of God’s mercy that forgives.
John the Baptist’s message was not complicated. He said, repent for the hours near. And Jesus said, I do not know that day, only my Father. We are being called to live our sanctification and our salvation in this moment of grace because he died for us in his love. He gave us his life. And he resurrected to overcome death so that we may live with peace and joy.
Mother Teresa once said, let no pain or sorrow so overcome you that you forget that you forget the joy of our resurrected Christ because he gave us life that we may live.
Cecilia, I once had a vision of Judgment Day. Our Lord was appearing in the sky, and I was standing next to him. Below him were the multitude of souls throughout history, the history of humanity. And they were crying and they were screaming. They were in a state of sorrow and despair because they had rejected Christ. They had rejected God.
I said, ‘My Lord,’ as I looked into his eyes, I said, ‘Have mercy on them.’ And he looked into my eyes and he said, and this was nearly 30 years ago and I have never forgotten this vision, he said, “I died for them, I gave them my life and the gift of my eternal mercy and love, yet they denied me.” And then do you know what he asked me, Cecilia? He said, “Would you die for them?”
I had no response.
I was in a state of shock, unprepared to answer that question. But our Lord said in the Scripture, there is no greater gift than this than to lay down your life for your brother, no greater love than this. Then the vision ended.
And I never forgot it.
Cecilia: You never, you did not answer did you?
Gregory: I didn’t, I didn’t answer. But I understood that the response to my life would be my answer in making the choice to love him above all things and to love my brothers and sisters. I understood that each day I must die to myself so that I may live within the joy and mercy of his sacrifice.
I understood that my response would be a life response, to give my life for my brothers and sisters. And although I am weak and a sinner, I understand now, 30 years later, in what I have lived and what I have witnessed, the miracles that I have seen within the hearts of the people, that Christ is life and God is on his throne eternally.
And we have the hope of the Second Coming, but we also have the gift of salvation today. And now is the time to live it.
Hai capito, Cecilia?
Cecilia: Yes. Yes. I understand that at the moment that our Lord asked you the question, you did not have an answer.
Gregory: I, I didn’t know what to say. But now, 30 years later, I understand that it is a life response to saying yes, yes to God and the Holy Spirit.
Cecilia: Beautiful. I love it. I love the question of our Lord. I love the question of our Lord. Because it is a question that Jesus always asks all of us.
Gregory: Sì.
Cecilia: Are you open to giving your life for them?
Gregory: Yes. Are you willing to give your life for me and your brothers and sisters?
Gregory: In his passion in the garden, our Lord said, Father, take this cup from me. But if it not be your will, then your will be done. And we have the great example of Our Lady in her Annunciation, in which she said her great ‘yes’ to God eternally to be the mother of the Savior. Each day we are being called to say ‘yes’ to God.
Do you have any questions or thoughts?
Cecilia: I am in shock as you were at that moment.
Gregory: I want to share with you something. It was not only the question of would I die for them. It is what I witnessed and that was the souls on Judgment Day and that the time of mercy was over. That’s why our Lord said, I died for them. I came to give mercy, not judgment, but now this is the time of judgment.
Yes, so I, too, never forgot this vision or the impression that it left on me throughout my life.
Do you have anything that you would like to share or any thoughts or questions?
Cecilia: So, we have to respond to the call of Jesus before it’s too late.
Gregory: Yes, that we not become so distracted by the signs or the warnings that we forget today is the day. They are meant to lead us on the path of repentance and redemption, but they are not meant to distract us from the path of redemption. Do you understand the difference?
Cecilia: Yes. Yes. What you’re saying is it’s important to know what’s going to happen. The Lord wants us to know it, but he wants us to focus on him, on him.
Gregory: Exactly, yes, and our lady once asked the question, how do you grow in faith? She said you grow in faith through prayer, to pray, pray, pray. You grow in faith through reading the scripture, the Holy Gospel, the Word made flesh in the Word of light and truth within our souls.
We grow in faith, she said, through the practice of the faith and receiving and living, living, the sacraments.
Faith is a gift, but we must actualize it each day. Do you understand?
Cecilia: Yes. Yes. So. So we have to repent, recognizing our sins. We have to live and elect the path of the faith. And we have to pray constantly to renew our faith.
Gregory: Yes. Because she said, that prayer renews the heart and it makes it beautiful.
Cecilia: Beautiful, Gregory. Beautiful.
Gregory: They are not my words. They are her words.
Cecilia: But it’s beautiful. Prayer makes you beautiful.
Gregory: That is why she remains so beautiful and that she is ageless. She has no age. She appears to be 16 or 18 years old and her skin is white like porcelain. She is the Immaculate Conception. She does not carry the stain of original sin. She carries the light of the birth of her son within her eternally which is why Our Lady of Guadalupe appears to be pregnant.
And she’s calling all souls to return to her son, to return to her son’s precious body in the Holy Eucharist. Because where she is present, he is present. They’re united as one eternally. They are never separate. Yes.
Cecilia: Oh, beautiful.
Gregory: And she’s calling us to be one with him. The reason why I titled the program today, The time is now, is because there is such a time as this of grace at this moment. We are being called to live in a state of grace and a state of prayer and faith daily to prepare our hearts for the gift of salvation.
The signs are important. But most important is God at this moment and what we do with God in our lives so that God may live and breathe within us. Because we are living in the eternal days of Pentecost, in the eternal days of God’s glory, whereupon his holy and Second Coming, we shall all be taken up- those who have chosen to live with him eternally. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done upon the unification of heaven and earth, and the beauty and grace of the victory of the light over darkness and evil forevermore.
We shall live free as children of the light. And there will be no more terror. There will be no more sorrow or tears. There will be no more death. Because we will be with our resurrected Christ for eternity, living in the eternal Pentecost of the Holy Spirit within the heart of God our Father. United to the Holy Trinity in the Immaculate Heart of the virgin, who gave birth to life and salvation in giving birth to Jesus, who is our Savior.
Through our faith each day we will see and we will be free. And we will live the glory of the power of the Holy Cross within us. He is coming and he will never forget those in his mercy who have chosen to love him and who have chosen him as their Savior of light.
Love, love, love, it is the only way. And in the mystery of this night, we have the hope of our Savior, we have the hope each day to be free in God’s love and to transform our tears of sorrow into hearts of joy and being new creations in him.
What more could we ask for? What more for such a moment as this to say within our hearts, the time is now to make the choice for him each day that we may live eternally in his love.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou much woman, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
He came through her. He was born through her. And today she offers him to us. And she says that she will never abandon us.
Amen. Amen.
To love each other by first loving God and the time is now. Amen.
Cecilia: Thank you, Gregory, for being with us. It was beautiful. You said beautiful things. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Gregory: It was a great joy to be with you, Cecilia, and all of my brothers and sisters.
And lastly, Our Lady says that love is the only way. It is our only hope for humanity to continue. And she says to pray for an end to the wars throughout the world. She says to pray for peace.
Amen. Amen.
Grazie, Cecilia.
I would like to share with everyone that I have a website, www.heartofjesus.love with all the messages.
I am going to be in Rome next week, but possibly we’ll do a program from there.
Cecilia: Okay, thank you so much. We will be pleased to do so.
Il video qui trascritto può essere visto al seguente link di Mundo Catolico. È in inglese e in spagnolo.https://www.youtube.com/live/WBfOaAuQYcE?si=PGPbtiNQdQkfD3_A