Cuore di Gesù

Messaggi d'amore

Gregory Kerr

La lotta è finita

‘My Lord, I love you. I love you. And if I am nothing for you, then you can do everything in me. Humility is the golden crown that leads us on the eternal path of the light of the faith.

Yes, my Lord, I desire to be nothing for you and to give thanks and bless you for having delivered me. For you knew in your heart these past days, as you know all things, that I would return home to my island. To the place where love was firstborn in me through my parents of the faith, through the most wonderful and joyful years of being with family and the great gift and blessings of the friendships.

Yes, all that I was blessed by, formed by your hand to lead me here now, after having been gone for so long, to return home. And although for only several days, it will fill me with joy eternally. For the struggle has ended. And now I shall return to celebrate life today and enjoy the miracle of life in the beauty of the memories of what was a place called home, but shall always be home within my heart eternally.

For the days there with you were like heaven on earth. And they shall continue in my nothingness to seek only you for your glory and for the glory of the love of your children.’

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